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Seminar Series & Events

Ecology & Evolution in Zurich

The numerous ecologists and evolutionary biologists of ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich (just ten minutes apart) provide an excellent intellectual community for students, postdoctoral researchers, and sabbatical visitors. Here you will find a list of professors and group leaders in the Zurich area

Genetic Diversity Centre

The GDC is a knowledge and technology platform. It provides scientific and technical support for research related to genetic and genomic diversity of organisms.

Research Groups

Plant Ecology (Prof. Jake Alexander)
Aquatic Ecology (Prof. Jukka Jokela)
Biocommunication (Prof. Mark Mescher)
external page Biodiversity and Conservation Biology
(Prof. Rolf Holderegger)
Biological Control (Prof. Monika Maurhofer)
Evolutionary Biology (Prof. Greg Velicer)
external page Evolutionary Ecology (Prof. Christoph Vorburger)
external page Food Web Ecophysiology (Prof. Lily Twining)
Global Ecosystem Ecology (Prof. Tom Crowther)
Pathogen Ecology (Prof. Alex Hall)
Pathogen Evolution (Prof. Barbora Trubenová)
Plant Ecological Genetics (Prof. Alex Widmer)
Plant Ecology (Prof. Janneke Hille Ris Lambers)
Plant Pathology (Prof. Bruce McDonald)
Theoretical Biology (Prof. Sebastian Bonhoeffer)
Theoretical Immunology & Microbiology
(Prof. Roland Regoes)



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